The service of sworn translation is necessary to submit an official or certified translation of a document to an Estonian or foreign authority.
What is the job of a
Sworn Translator?
A sworn translator must be contacted if it is necessary to submit an official or certified translation of a document such as a diploma, court decision, notarial deed or similar to an Estonian or foreign authority.
Sworn translators perform several tasks such as:
* The translation of published laws.
* Certified printouts and transcripts for commercial registers.
* Certify translations by an Apostille.
Sworn translations can be ordered in electronically signed form as well as in traditional paper format. It is essential for you to possess the original documents, be ready to show them.
As members of the NGO Chamber of Sworn Translators we can link you to sworn translation service providers in different languages or you can consult the listing of sworn translators in the Estonian Ministry of Justice’s webpage.
Apostille of documents
A sworn translator is also competent to arrange for a translation to be certified by an apostille. An apostille is used when it becomes necessary to present a document issued in one country and valid in its territory to the authorities of another country giving the document legal force (within countries belonging to the Hague Convention). In the case of Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and Poland, it is not necessary to apostille Estonian documents.